Banking, Insurance And Finance Union - Banking Insurance

- April 08, 2015

The Banking, Insurance and Finance Union (BIFU) was a British trade union.

The union was founded in 1946 as the National Union of Bank Employees, when the National Bank Officers' Guild and the Scottish Bankers' Association merged. In 1979, it was renamed the Banking, Insurance and Finance Union. In 1999, it merged with the Natwest Staff Association and the Barclays Group Staff Union to form UNIFI.

By the time of its merger, the union had 113,000 members, in national and international banks, the Bank of England, insurance companies, building societies, finance houses and the Financial Services Authority. It was affiliated to the Trades Union Congress.

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General Secretaries


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External links

  • Catalogue of the BIFU archives, held at the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick

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